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Teen Suicide: What Parents Need to Know

CA$0.40 CA$0.80


Teen Suicide: Single

CA$0.40 CA$0.80

Teen Suicide: Pack (30)

CA$11.25 CA$22.50

Teen Suicide: Jumbo Pack (75)

CA$24.00 CA$48.00

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Identify suicide warning signs, support your teen's mental heal

This straightforward, easy-to-read brochure will help you to identify the warning signs of suicide, and develop the practical strategies to support your teen’s mental health. Parents are the most important adults in their teens lives – learn how to listen to and help your teen.

You’ll discover:

  • The factors that can reduce teens’ risk of suicide
  • The warning signs of teen suicide
  • Communicating with your teen
  • Evaluating levels of risk

One of three pamphlets on suicide prevention for teens, parents and school personnel.

Bulk pricing also available