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Parenting Teens Workshop


Thursday, January 19, 2023 - Thursday, March 09, 2023

6 PM - 8 PM (Weekly)

Remote (Vancouver, PST)  

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8-week parenting group based on the S.T.E.P method designed for the unique challenges of parenting teens.


* If you require financial aid to register for this program, please contact us at or through our website's contact page ( *

This posting is for the individuals rate. Couples & co-parents receive a discounted rate - please register at this link to receive the discount rate:

We believe that family, however it is defined, is the basic social unit of society, and that healthy families build health communities.

The S.T.E.P. (Systematic Training in Effective Parenting) method is rooted in Adlerian psychology and was developed in the 1950s by Rudolph Dreikurs. The main tenets are mutual respect, encouragement and positive discipline and the workshops provide parents with practical tools to help raise capable children.

This workshop was also designed in collaboration with Dr. Martin Brokenleg's Circle of Courage model based on the principle that all youth need a sense of belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity.

  • Theory and techniques for supporting teenagers as they experience intense transition from childhood to adulthood.
  • Helping you build a toolkit as you navigate this potentially challenging journey with your teen.
  • Differences between parenting for the unique needs of your teenager
  • Solid grasp of how to best support your teenager.
  • Provide support for you as a parent who may feel as if you are at your wit's end.
  • Provide you as a parent with immediate support, techniques and understanding.
  • Understand the purpose of behaviours such as anger and defiance.
  • Reduce family conflict.
  • Learn how to encourage teenagers to develop belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity. to take responsibility, feel capable, and be respectful.
  • Learn, explore, and share in a supportive and relaxed atmosphere.


The 8 weekly workshop dates will be on Thursdays, 6:00pm - 8:00pm PST:

- January 19, 26

- February 2, 9, 16, 23

- March 2, 9

To receive a Certificate of Completion, attendance to all 8 workshop dates is mandatory unless previously discussed with the facilitator.

Financial support may be available. Please contact us at 604-742-1818 or to inquire about financial aid.