Creating a Common Approach and Language to Supporting Self-Regulation in Children and the Adults in Their Lives: Live Virtual Workshop
Please sign in or sign up as an organization or professional to register for this training.
Thursday, October 28, 2021 - Thursday, October 28, 2021
9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Online via Zoom
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Stress makes it difficult for the brain to work as well as it does when calm, happy, and relaxed.
When someone experiences stress, it causes ‘alarms’ in the different parts of the brain.
My Curious Brain was written to spark children’s curiosity about how their brain works. It also provides parents, teachers, and caregivers with tools to support brain health for children. The different parts of the brain are represented by the Instinctual Dinosaur, the Emotional Monkey, and the Wise Owl. The story offers children and adults a fun and interesting way to gain a greater understanding of how the brain develops, how it responds to stress, and strategies to effectively reduce stress.
My Curious Brain shows how to practice calming the instinctual dinosaur and the emotional monkey, to help access the wise owl. This book offers self-regulation awareness and skills to help all the animals (parts of the brain) work in harmony. These are skills that will benefit children through their entire lives.
All participants will receive a copy of the My Curious Brain book.
About the Facilitator
Connie Herman is the Nobody's Perfect Parent Program Coordinator for Saskatchewan. In this role, she offers training, ongoing education, and support to service providers who work with parents and families. Connie is also a mom of a 7 year-old daughter and a 12 year-old son. As a Parent Program Coordinator and a parent, Connie recognizes that parenting is one of the most important and also most challenging roles that we have in our lives. Through support, information, and capacity building, service providers can play an amazing part in helping parents gain confidence, effectiveness, and build healthy, positive connections with their children.
Please note that this workshop is not guaranteed to run. We need a minimum number of people enrolled in order to be able to run it.
The cost of this workshop is per person, and will take place via Zoom. Participants will be emailed the login information.