Building Positive Relationships with Families through Communication
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Saturday, February 23, 2019 - Saturday, February 23, 2019
10 AM - 12 PM
Kiwassa Neighbourhood House, 2425 Oxford Street
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Learn ideas and techniques for improving your communication skills and initiating sensitive conversations with families
In this interactive workshop designed for Early Childhood Educators and Family Resource Program Facilitators, ideas will be shared on how to initiate sensitive conversations with families on topics such as children’s behaviour, concerns with children’s development, appropriate child and family interaction and following through on expectations of the program.
Ways to start a discussion will be explored and when is an appropriate time to have a discussion, where discussions should take place and confidentiality. There will be a discussion of communication styles and what is the best approach to use in different scenarios. There will be small group work throughout the workshop to discuss specific examples of challenges practitioners and teachers face.
About the Facilitator
Kim Pender has worked in the field of Early Childhood Education for many years. She has experience working with Indigenous communities and is currently an independent ECE consultant and manager of childcare programs at the YMCA of Greater Vancouver.